Chelsey’s Side of the Story

Below is Chelsey’s unedited point of view on our too brief encounter…

Being sexually adventurous is a relatively new concept for me. However, I’d made a decision during the summer that I was going to stop looking for relationships and begin looking for occasional companions; men that met my needs, rather than the other way around. When I originally saw James’s Tinder, I thought it was genius and was immediately intrigued. What Tinder “ad” has ever been more honest? When James contacted me, it was obvious to me that he was smart and very funny, which I appreciate in a man, one night stand or not. Once we coordinated schedules, we determined that we would only have a couple hours the next afternoon.

When I got to the house, James came outside and greeted me with a hug and kiss, which immediately took any edge off our meeting. It was an incredibly hot afternoon, and when we entered the house, it was abundantly clear that whatever cooling system was in the house was not working. We spent some time looking for the thermostat, and were jubilant when we finally found it. We made our way to the bedroom, where we kissed while James undressed me, and we made our way to a twin sized bed (really?).

Because I am new to sexual adventure, and a bit shy, I’m going to let you take James’s word for the couple hours. What I can tell you is that I have never been as satisfied, or as comfortable in bed as I was that afternoon in July.

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